Dr. Wen's acupuncture and moxibustion treatment methods can help support treatment of pelvic disorders. Treatment cycle may be longer compared to other ailments due to the complexities of the interdependency on other organ systems that pelvic disorder may present. It is very important to action early and seek immediate care. When undergoing treatment, patient must be consistent and adhere to treatment plan. Sympoms pertaining to chronic pain usually needs longer treatment cycles to avoid symptomatic regression.

Pelvic is located below the belly button, including sex organs, pelvic problems are very often seen in pain due to inflammation, pelvic floor dysfunction and other organs issues in pelvic area ,it can be caused by a variety of conditions.

For female patient, the problems may occur in uterus, ovaries, fallopian,tubes, cervix,or vagina, male patient may relatives to prostate issue.

The symptoms include urgent or painful urination, constipation or bowel strains, low back pain, pelvic region pain,genitals or rectum pain, discomfort during sexual intercourse for women, male patient's complaints usually include burning fullness or pressure behind scrotum or dull pain in rectum, bladder, groin, tip of penis.